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Creative Design, Prototyping, and Testing (Coursera)

Designing the customer and user experience is essential to creating great products today. Gone is the old paradigm of “form follows function” model of design. The process must be iterative and follow the best product design and development processes. While designing a great user experience can be a lengthy [...]

UX Web Design: Build User-Centric Websites (Coursera)

Jun 10th 2024
UX Web Design: Build User-Centric Websites (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Welcome to UX Web Design: Build User-Centric Websites. Jumpstart your journey in UX design with this course, blending theory and practice to teach you the essentials. Learn key UX principles, align products with user needs, and dive into user research to craft intuitive and engaging digital experiences. Gain hands-on [...]

Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish (edX)

Mar 5th 2024
Project: Create an iOS app from start to finish (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn how to design, develop and test an iOS app in preparation for the App Store. In this course you will work on your very own project where you will go through the process of designing and prototyping your very own app.

Le prototypage UX (edX)

Self Paced
Le prototypage UX (edX)
Course Auditing
Devenez un virtuose du prototypage! Propulsez votre équipe créative de l’étape des maquettes papier au développement de prototypes interactifs haute fidélité, en utilisant les méthodes et outils les plus récents. Le prototypage tient à la fois de l’art et de la science. Dans ce MOOC, vous apprendrez comment les [...]

UX Prototyping (edX)

Become a prototyping virtuoso! Master the ability to propel your creative team from scrappy low-tech paper mock-ups to developing high-fidelity interactive prototypes, using the latest industry methods and tools.

Rapid Wireframing: Finding the Right Product Design (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Rapid Wireframing: Finding the Right Product Design (Skillshare)
Free Course
Learn how to successfully create wireframes for early stage product design with interaction designer Michael Angeles, as he shows how to use Balsamiq Mockups to design interfaces with product teams. Balsamiq runs on the desktop or in a web app, and also as a plugin for Google Drive, Confluence [...]

UI/UX: You already know more than you think (Skillshare)

Self Paced
UI/UX: You already know more than you think (Skillshare)
Free Course
Have you ever given thought to who your audience is for a specific project? Tried to make your piece as user-friendly as possible? Done a dry run on how someone interacts with your book/brochure/website? Tried to establish the most effective hierarchy for the information you’re conveying? Then you’ve already [...]

Adobe Xd 2021 Basics - UI / UX Design Class (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Adobe Xd 2021 Basics - UI / UX Design Class (Skillshare)
Free Course
Adobe Xd 2021 is a UI / UX design tool created by Adobe and awesome thing about it is that it works on both Mac and Pc, it gets regular updates, you can design, prototype and share, all with one app, for free.

UX Fundamentals (Aquent)

UX Fundamentals will teach you how to apply user-centered design principles in order to improve your website and mobile app design. A must-take course for anyone working in web design and development.