UI Design

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Principles of UX/UI Design (Coursera)

Jun 10th 2024
Principles of UX/UI Design (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Learn the fundamentals of User Experience (UX) research and design. Become immersed in the UX process of identifying problems and iterating and testing designs to find appropriate solutions. You’ll learn how to empathize with users through best-practice research approaches, and create common UX artifacts such as user personas. And [...]
Jun 10th 2024
Course Auditing
36.00 EUR/month

UX and Interface Design for Embedded Systems (Coursera)

UX and Interface Design for Embedded Systems is the first of three classes in the Embedded Interface Design (EID) specialization, an online version of the on-campus EID class taught in graduate embedded systems design. This first course is focused on user experience (UX) and the related methods, practices, [...]

Evaluating User Interfaces (Coursera)

In this course you will learn and practice several techniques for user interface evaluation. First we start with techniques that can be applied alone or in a design team, including action analysis, walkthroughs, and heuristic evaluation. Then we move on to user testing, including learning from a [...]

Introduction to UI Design (Coursera)

In this course, you will gain an understanding of the critical importance of user interface design. You will also learn industry-standard methods for how to approach the design of a user interface and key theories and frameworks that underlie the design of most interfaces you use today. Through a [...]

Designing User Interfaces and Experiences (UI/UX) (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Designing User Interfaces and Experiences (UI/UX) (Coursera)
Course Auditing
UI and UX design is a thriving industry with numerous prospects for anyone with the right skills. This course is designed for those who are interested in starting a career in designing UI and UX experiences as well as developers who want to create web and front-end applications. It [...]

Rapid Prototyping of Embedded Interface Designs (Coursera)

Rapid Prototyping is the second of three classes in the Embedded Interface Design (EID) specialization, an online version of the on-campus EID class taught in graduate embedded systems design. This course is focused on rapid prototyping of devices and systems and the related methods, practices, and principles that [...]

User Research and Design (Coursera)

In this course you will learn and practice techniques of user research and early UI design exploration. First, you will learn and practice several techniques for user research, including in-person research and survey and log-analysis techniques. Then, you will learn to analyze and deliver user research in forms [...]

UX / UI: Fundamentos para o design de interface (Coursera)

Aprenda com uma das maiores startups do Brasil, a Taqtile sobre com criar a melhor experiência para o seu usuário, formas de gerar ideias, princípios básicos de design e como desenvolver interfaces de aplicativos e sites, esse curso introdutório é composto de aulas teóricas com exemplos práticos de aplicação [...]

Developing Android Apps with Kotlin (Udacity)

Create concise, secure and performant apps with Kotlin. Learn to architect and develop Android apps in the Kotlin programming language using industry-proven tools and libraries. With these techniques you'll create apps in less time, writing less code, and with fewer errors.

Digital Marketing and Data Driven Analytics (edX)

Digital Marketing is the backbone element which uses platforms and digital technologies, such as any kind of device to maintain connected to the users. Once the users are part of this ecosystem, the companies convert this random data in accurate algorithms to improve the effectiveness of any marketing [...]