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Documentation and Usability for Cancer Informatics (Coursera)

Cancer datasets are plentiful, complicated, and hold information that may be critical for the next research advancements. In order to use these data to their full potential, researchers are dependent on the specialized data tools that are continually being published and developed. Bioinformatics tools can often be unfriendly to [...]

UX / UI: Fundamentos para o design de interface (Coursera)

Aprenda com uma das maiores startups do Brasil, a Taqtile sobre com criar a melhor experiência para o seu usuário, formas de gerar ideias, princípios básicos de design e como desenvolver interfaces de aplicativos e sites, esse curso introdutório é composto de aulas teóricas com exemplos práticos de aplicação [...]

Introduction to User Experience Design (Coursera)

The focus of this course is to introduce the learner to User Experience (UX) Design. User Experience design is design that is user centered. The goal is to design artifacts that allow the users to meet their needs in the most effective efficient and satisfying manner. The course introduces [...]

Usable Security (Coursera)

This course focuses on how to design and build secure systems with a human-centric focus. We will look at basic principles of human-computer interaction, and apply these insights to the design of secure systems with the goal of developing security measures that respect human performance and their goals within [...]

Predictive Modeling and Transforming Clinical Practice (Coursera)

This course teaches you the fundamentals of transforming clinical practice using predictive models. This course examines specific challenges and methods of clinical implementation, that clinical data scientists must be aware of when developing their predictive models.

Securing Digital Democracy (Coursera)

In this course, you'll learn what every citizen should know about the security risks--and future potential — of electronic voting and Internet voting. We'll take a look at the past, present, and future of election technologies and explore the various spaces intersected by voting, including computer security, human factors, [...]

Intro to UX: Fundamentals of Usability (Skillshare)

Self Paced
Intro to UX: Fundamentals of Usability (Skillshare)
Free Course
Join UserTesting's Marieke McCloskey for an insightful dive into usability — what it means, why it matters, and how you can optimize your product, service, or business. What: In today's competitive market, it's never been more important to make sure that your user experience is easy, clear, and enjoyable. [...]

Acessibilidade dos Conteúdos Digitais (NAU)

Aceda a uma série de recursos que o vão ajudar a construir o seu website adaptado às necessidades de quem o visita, com o curso de Acessibilidade dos Conteúdos Digitais. O curso "Acessibilidade dos Conteúdos Digitais (Da Declaração de Acessibilidade e Usabilidade ao Selo de Excelência)" tem como objetivo [...]

Mobile Design and Usability for iOS (Udacity)

Learn how to design an intuitive, user-centered mobile app. Featuring Facebook's experts in User Research and Product Design, this course walks you through the steps to design a new mobile product that puts users first. You'll learn how to use data collected from users to guide prototyping, and conduct [...]