Food & Nutrition

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Salmon, People, and Place (edX)

This course explores the relationships between salmon and people with an emphasis on the special ties of salmon to Indigenous peoples and to Alaska Natives in particular. No wild animal has more profoundly influenced the cultures and well-being of societies in North America than salmon. Salmon and people have [...]

Drainage in Agriculture: controlling water and salt levels in the soil (edX)

Get prepared for heavier rainfall and the increasing demand for food! The #1 Agricultural University of the world will teach you how to design and implement effective drainage systems in agriculture. You will learn how to create a perfect soil profile for optimal growing conditions for a crop and [...]

Sustainable Food Security: Food Access (edX)

Learn the basics of food access decision-making. In other words, who decides what ends up on your plate. Spoiler alert: it’s not just you! Have you ever considered that you’re not the only one who decides what food ends up on your plate? In this environmental studies course, you’ll [...]

Sustainable Food Security: The value of systems thinking (edX)

Learn how to solve the ‘Rubik’s cube’ of systems thinking and how it’s applied to improve the environmental sustainability of food production systems! Have you ever considered how many aspects of food production affect the natural environment? Every aspect needs to be considered in attaining the future goal to [...]

Family Spirit Nurture (Coursera)

This course is designed for health educators and home visitors serving families with infants 0-6 months old. Learners will gain knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on healthy infant nutrition and growth as well as maternal and family nutrition. This course is uniquely tailored towards Indigenous families [...]

Healthy Practices: Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Community and Family Participation (Coursera)

In this course you will find a comprehensive overlook of healthy practices in public schools in the USA, including: physical activity and nutrition in the school setting. We will review the basics of some of the regulatory programs found in the United States that support healthy students through nutrition [...]

Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy (Coursera)

Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy offers an overview of the latest research findings and international recommendations on a variety of nutrition-related aspects and outcomes of pregnancy. Ensuring a healthy nutritional status and lifestyle prior to and during pregnancy is one of the best ways to help support the [...]

Unravelling solutions for Future Food problems (Coursera)

Our society depends on the availability of food and accessibility to it. According to the United Nations nearly 800 million people are hungry and on the other hand, over 650 million people are obese. While many people in developing countries experience food shortage, in industrialized countries people are [...]

Navigating Diets (Coursera)

The wide and wonderful world of diets can be difficult terrain to navigate, especially with so much information scattered across the Internet and in magazines. Some are backed by scientific evidence, whereas others are mostly hype. Informed readers need to be well-armed with the latest facts regarding diets and [...]