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Manejo del enfermo semicrítico y crítico por COVID-19 (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Manejo del enfermo semicrítico y crítico por COVID-19 (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Después de realizar este curso serás capaz de conocer los elementos clave del abordaje del paciente crítico y semicrítico por COVID-19, basados en la evidencia científica disponible y que puedan ayudarte en la toma de decisiones clínicas. Curso dirigido a los profesionales de medicina y enfermería, con conocimientos básicos [...]

Extracellular Vesicles in Health and Disease (Coursera)

This course aims to provide current understanding about extracellular vesicles (EVs) and their role in health and diseases. The EVs are known to be involved in cell to cell communication. Apart from maintaining normal cell physiology, EVs deliver messages that can drive or influence the progression of a disease. [...]

Ebola: Essential knowledge for health professionals (Coursera)

March 2014 marked the starting point of the largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease in history. Although the disease seems to be on a decrease, we are not there yet and new outbreaks will surely emerge. New efforts to combat the outbreak are necessary. This is why we developed [...]

The udder and its response to infection (edX)

Ideal for graduate students, dairy practitioners, educators, and individuals with a strong scientific background, this first of a series of 3 MOOCs provide comprehensive insights into bovine mastitis. Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and make a meaningful impact in the field! Register [...]

Stories of Infection (Coursera)

This course introduces learners to a variety of infectious diseases using a patient-centered, story-based approach. Through illustrated, short videos, learners will follow the course of each patient’s illness, from initial presentation to resolution. Integrating the relevant microbiology, pathophysiology and immunology, this course aims to engage and entice the learner [...]

General Pathophysiology (Coursera)

The course describes subject and methods of Pathophysiology, its place within system of biomedical sciences and history. It includes General Nosology (concept of health and disease, general etiology and pathogenesis, pathological processes and states, role of causal factors, conditions, reactivity and somatotype in pathology). It gives systematic of [...]

Alzheimer’s Disease & Dementia Care (edX)

Provides an overview of Alzheimer’s disease, including pathophysiology, risk factors, stages, symptoms, diagnosis, including medications used to enhance cognitive function. Reviews modified communication strategies that optimize interactions and reduce behavioral expressions. Explores the topic of dementia caregiving, its challenges and resources available, as well as special care considerations when [...]

Doença Falciforme - Conhecer para cuidar (TELELAB)

Este curso visa a transmitir aos participantes informações adequadas obre a Doença Falciforme, bem como estabelecer subsídios que possam contribuir com a melhoria do atendimento às pessoas com a doença. Você aprenderá a história da doença e sua dispersão pelo mundo, quais os principais sintomas que a caracterizam e [...]