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Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (edX)

Jun 26th 2024
Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the mathematical foundations essential for financial engineering and quantitative finance: linear algebra, optimization, probability, stochastic processes, statistics, and applied computational techniques in R. Modern finance is the science of decision making in an uncertain world, and its language is mathematics. As part of the MicroMasters® Program in Finance, [...]

The Classical Linear Regression Model (Coursera)

In this course, you will discover the type of questions that econometrics can answer, and the different types of data you might use: time series, cross-sectional, and longitudinal data.

Hypotheses Testing in Econometrics (Coursera)

In this course, you will learn why it is rational to use the parameters recovered under the Classical Linear Regression Model for hypothesis testing in uncertain contexts.

Topics in Applied Econometrics (Coursera)

In this course, you will discover models and approaches that are designed to deal with challenges raised by the empirical econometric modelling and particular types of data.

Econometria Básica Aplicada (Coursera)

Buscaremos introduzir aos alunos métodos de estimação de modelos lineares que relacionam variáveis econômicas. Espera-se que o aluno seja capaz de entender modelos simples e testar hipóteses sobre os modelos de interesse.

Econometrics: Methods and Applications (Coursera)

Do you wish to know how to analyze and solve business and economic questions with data analysis tools? Then Econometrics by Erasmus University Rotterdam is the right course for you, as you learn how to translate data into models to make forecasts and to support decision making.

The Econometrics of Time Series Data (Coursera)

In this course, you will look at models and approaches that are designed to deal with challenges raised by time series data. The discussion covers the motivation for the use of particular models and the description of the characteristics of time series data, with a special attention raised to [...]

Enjoyable Econometrics (Coursera)

The goal of this MOOC is to show that econometric methods are often needed to answer questions. A question comes first, then data are to be collected, and then finally the model or method comes in. Depending on the data, however, it can happen that methods need to be adapted.

Estadística Aplicada a los Negocios (edX)

Aprende las principales herramientas y técnicas de la estadística descriptiva y la estadística inferencial para analizar e interpretar datos desde la perspectiva de negocios facilitando la toma de decisiones. Este curso proporciona una introducción al análisis de datos en base a las principales herramientas estadísticas, enfocándose en la estadística [...]

Modelos de Regresión Lineal y Pronósticos (edX)

En este curso se aplican fundamentos estadísticos y econométricos para analizar bases de datos; lo anterior, con el fin de identificar el comportamiento de variables y su relación con otras variables. En el curso también aplican técnicas básicas de pronósticos a través de diferentes metodologías. Se considera que las [...]