Photovoltaic Solar Energy

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Solar Energy Basics (Coursera)

This course gives you an introduction to the fundamentals of solar power as it applies to solar panel system installations. You will learn to compare solar energy to other energy resources and explain how solar panels, or photovoltaics (PV for short), convert sunlight to electricity. You will be [...]

Solar Energy System Design (Coursera)

Solar Energy System Design builds upon the introduction to PV systems from Solar Energy Basics course, which included basic system components and functions, as well as some basic system sizing using simplifying assumptions. You should at this point have a basic understanding of electrical power and energy, be able [...]

Solar Energy Systems Overview (Coursera)

By the end of this course, learners will have acquired a broad understanding of the history and mechanics behind converting light into electricity, commonly known as photovoltaics (PV). They are empowered to recognize and describe elements of a PV system, enabling them to: compare the most common types of [...]

Solar Energy and Electrical System Design (Coursera)

This course supplies learners with the insights necessary for properly planning, and therefore successfully installing, a photovoltaic (PV) system per design specifications. It directs learners through the important steps of initial site inspection and evaluating appropriate locations for PV systems, and features unique elements of residential, small, industrial and [...]

Photovoltaic solar energy (Coursera)

The course is an introduction to the photovoltaic (PV) applications in the general mix energetic context dominated by climate warming mitigation. The various uses of solar energy are firstly presented before a short description of the principle of the direct solar photon conversion into electricity (PV). The various [...]

Photovoltaic Systems (Coursera)

This course offers you advanced knowledge within the field of photovoltaic system technology. We'll learn about the solar resource and how photovoltaic energy conversion is used to produce electric power. From this fundamental starting point we'll cover the design and fabrication of different solar cell and module technologies, the [...]

Solar Resource Assessment in Desert Climates (edX)

Learn how to use the components of solar radiation, solar spectrum, forecasting and meteorology to advocate and plan for deploying PV in desert climates. Desert regions may seem optimal for solar energy and the deployment of photovoltaic (PV) applications. However, the heat and dust experienced in the region poses [...]

Using Photovoltaic (PV) Technology in Desert Climates (edX)

Learn how to mitigate the challenges related to PV technology and enhance the performance of solar cells and PV modules in desert climates. The high insolation in desert regions can result in a lower cost of solar energy. While this may be a key motivation to deploying PV in [...]

Solar Energy 1 (edX)

Learn about the leading role of solar energy in rural electrification and climate change mitigation. Introduce yourself to the physical principle of the photovoltaic energy conversion of solar cells. In this first course in the program Solar Energy you will be introduced to the technology that converts solar energy [...]

Introducción a la energía solar fotovoltaica: El módulo fotovoltaico (edX)

Conocer el componente más importante en las instalaciones fotovoltaicas, los módulos fotovoltaicos, únicos dispositivos capaces de convertir directamente la energía luminosa procedente del sol en energía eléctrica de continua.