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Exploring Light: Hands-on Activities and Strategies for Teachers (Coursera)

This is an Exploratorium teacher professional development course taught by Teacher Institute staff, open to any science teacher (particularly middle or high school level) and science enthusiast. This is a hands-on workshop that explores topics and strategies teachers can use to help their students become active investigators of [...]

Optical Efficiency and Resolution (Coursera)

This course can also be taken for academic credit as ECEA 5601, part of CU Boulder’s Master of Science in Electrical Engineering degree. Optical instruments are how we see the world, from corrective eyewear to medical endoscopes to cell phone cameras to orbiting telescopes. This course will teach you [...]

Transmission electron microscopy for materials science (Coursera)

Learn about the fundamentals of transmission electron microscopy in materials sciences: you will be able to understand papers where TEM has been used and have the necessary theoretical basis for taking a practical training on the TEM. This course provides a comprehensive introduction to transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in [...]

Optique non-linéaire (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Optique non-linéaire (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Introduction à l'optique non-linéaire, qui correspond au régime d'interaction laser-matière que l'on peut explorer à l'aide de lasers intenses, comme par exemple les lasers femtosecondes.

Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: elettromagnetismo, ottica, fisica moderna (POK)

Introduzione alla fisica sperimentale: elettromagnetismo, ottica, fisica moderna (POK)
Free Course
Il corso affronta le tematiche dell’elettromagnetismo e dell’ottica partendo dall’applicazione del metodo sperimentale, per prepararsi al meglio all'ingresso all'università. The course addresses the thematic of electromagnetism and optics, starting with the applications of the experimental method, to better start the academic learning [...]

Introduction to Virtual Reality (Udacity)

Learn about the basics of VR. This course is designed for students who are new to virtual reality and want to learn about the principles of VR technology including optics, displays, stereopsis, tracking, and major hardware platforms. You don’t need any programming experience to get started.

Fisica II (Federica Web Learning)

No sessions available
Fisica II (Federica Web Learning)
Free Course
Il corso esplora gli argomenti di elettromagnetismo classico e di ottica. La successione degli argomenti è quella tradizionale dell’impostazione didattica italiana e prevede: l’elettrostatica, le correnti elettriche, la magnetostatica, l’elettrodinamica, i fenomeni elettromagnetici nella materia e infine [...]

Introduction to Electromagnetism (saylor.org)

Self Paced
Introduction to Electromagnetism (saylor.org)
Free Course
The physics of the universe appears to be dominated by the effects of four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces. These forces control how matter, energy, space, and time interact to produce our physical world. All other forces, such as the force you exert [...]