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Introducción a Data Science: Programación Estadística con R (Coursera)

Este curso te proporcionará las bases del lenguaje de programación estadística R, la lengua franca de la estadística, el cual te permitirá escribir programas que lean, manipulen y analicen datos cuantitativos. Te explicaremos la instalación del lenguaje; también verás una introducción a los sistemas base de gráficos y al [...]

Build Your First Android App (Project-Centered Course) (Coursera)

In this project-centered course, you’ll design, build, and distribute your own unique application for the Android mobile platform. We’ll provide you with a set of customizable building blocks that you can assemble to create many different types of apps, and that will help you become familiar with many important [...]

Working with Integrated Development Environments (Coursera)

May 6th 2024
Working with Integrated Development Environments (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are vital in increasing developer productivity and learning to work with them will help you create impressive software projects whether you're a beginner or have some programming experience. This course provides the essential skills and knowledge to excel in software development using Integrated Development Environments [...]