Emotional Intelligence

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Creativity Toolkit I: Changing Perspectives (Coursera)

Thinking and doing the same things faster and better is not enough; we need creativity. Fortunately, creativity is a skill you can learn. This course will examine when, why, and how we can be creative. It examines the cues that trigger us to consider being creative. It provides a [...]

Moving the Needle at Work: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Coursera)

This course aims to assist managers and aspiring leaders to better understand their own identity, enhance their awareness of their own needs and the needs of others, improve their ability to lead inclusive teams, and create safe and thriving workplace environments where a diversity of opinions and perspectives are [...]

Foundations of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Coursera)

In this course, you will explore questions such as: Who is represented in your workplace, and who is not? Who doesn’t feel heard, and why not? Are we treating one another equitably? What history has led us here? What has brought all of these issues to the forefront of [...]

Health and Safety of a Home-Based Childcare Center (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Health and Safety of a Home-Based Childcare Center (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is targeted toward individuals wishing to operate a safe and healthy family day care center, and it covers topics including staffing; creating a safe environment; nutrition; mental health & wellness; and emergency planning.

Playing to Your Strengths by StandOut (Coursera)

Playing to Your Strengths is designed for any professional individual striving to be more productive and more focused today than they were yesterday and those who want to make their greatest contributions at work and in life by embracing a strengths-based mindset. Based on the six-part film series Trombone [...]

Manual de estrategias de ventas por conversación para SDR (Coursera)

May 20th 2024
Manual de estrategias de ventas por conversación para SDR (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este es el curso 3 de la certificación profesional para representantes de desarrollo de ventas de Salesforce. Para completar con éxito el curso, asegúrate de haber realizado el curso 1, Bases para el éxito en el desarrollo de ventas, y el curso 2, Fundamentos para entrevistar con confianza. Este [...]

Inspirar el liderazgo a través de la inteligencia emocional (Coursera)

La inteligencia emocional, la esperanza, la atención plena y la compasión ayudan a una persona a revertir el daño del estrés crónico y a construir excelentes relaciones de liderazgo. Los atractores emocionales positivos y negativos inspiran cambios y aprendizajes sostenidos y deseados en muchos [...]

Building High-Performing Teams (Coursera)

Teams are essential to the modern organization, but most never reach their potential. Co-workers miscommunicate, and groups struggle to adapt to changes in the market or their organizations. When teams lack self-awareness about these challenges, performance suffers. Based on years of team culture research and consulting experience, this course [...]

How Self-Motivation Shapes Personal Success (Coursera)

Embark on an immersive learning experience that delves into the essence of self-motivation and its pivotal role in sculpting personal triumph. This course weaves the intellectual richness of the European Renaissance with the nuanced tapestry of contemporary psychology, offering a profound understanding of the drivers behind personal [...]

Professionalism in Allied Health (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Professionalism in Allied Health (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course will benefit anyone considering a career in allied health, as well as those already working the field. Allied Health Professionals must be committed to the key attributes of professionalism and strive to reflect this within the delivery of patient-centered, safe, and effective care. “Professionalism” is a broad [...]