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Disaster, Crisis, and Emergency Preparedness Communication (Coursera)

This course will introduce you to basic concepts of emergency management, planning, and crisis risk communication. You will understand the definitions of and operational challenges associated with disasters and public health emergencies. You will identify important components of risk communication, and you will identify and evaluate the ways social [...]

Disaster Recovery Planning for Organizations (Coursera)

"Disaster Recovery Planning" is an informative course that delves into the importance of DRP, Disaster Recovery Planning. With the world going ever deeply into tech, a lot of data servers have the potential of a disasterous incident making this DRP course the exact information you'll need. We will cover [...]

Disaster Risk Management and Korean Policies (Coursera)

In the past, developing countries such as Korea lacked guidelines for exploring effective policies for disaster-resilient growth, resulting in unnecessary sacrifices in terms of time, resources, and human capital. Through the lessons learned by Korea, currently developing countries facing socio-economic development can build disaster resilience without [...]

Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (Coursera)

Apr 29th 2024
Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Este curso de primeros auxilios psicológicos, o primera ayuda psicológica (PAP), busca mostrarte uno de los modos de rescate y asistencia de primera línea para las personas afectadas por incidentes críticos y potencialmente traumáticos, como son los incendios, inundaciones, actos de terrorismo y otras situaciones [...]

When Disaster Meets Conflict (Coursera)

This MOOC teaches you to develop accountable, high-quality and ethical responses to disaster in conflict-affected areas. The E-course is meant primarily for practitioners, but also open to students or otherwise interested people. It stimulates participants to think about humanitarian aid, DRR and disaster response in contexts where conflict is [...]

Disaster Preparedness (Coursera)

Have you ever viewed a news report depicting the aftermath of a devastating natural disaster? The damage to human life and property are both staggering and heartbreaking. All parts of the world face the possibility of floods, hurricanes, tornados, fires, landslides, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other natural phenomena. Are you [...]

Nature-based Solutions for Disaster and Climate Resilience (edX)

What are ‘Nature-based solutions’, or NbS? How can they help build resilience to disasters and climate change impacts? Why is NbS relevant? How can I apply NbS in my work and everyday life? Nature offers many solutions for reducing the impacts from disasters and climate impacts. This may include [...]

Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster (edX)

Self Paced
Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster (edX)
Course Auditing
Learn the principles guiding humanitarian response to modern emergencies, and the challenges faced in the field today. From the Syrian refugee crisis to the West Africa Ebola outbreak, humanitarian emergencies have reached unprecedented dimensions and proportions. As need for humanitarian aid grows, how can efforts to alleviate human suffering [...]

Researching Risk, Disasters and Emergencies (FutureLearn)

No sessions available
Researching Risk, Disasters and Emergencies (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Learning how to research disasters and related fields so you can understand how to help people during moments of crisis. How can we help other people before and or during disasters? How we can improve water and sanitary facilities in refugee camps? How can drones and virtual reality technologies [...]
No sessions available
Course Auditing
64.00 EUR