Combinational Circuits

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Computer Science: Algorithms, Theory, and Machines (Coursera)

This course introduces the broader discipline of computer science to people having basic familiarity with Java programming. It covers the second half of our book Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach (the first half is covered in our Coursera course Computer Science: Programming with a Purpose, to be [...]

Digital Systems: From Logic Gates to Processors (Coursera)

This course gives you a complete insight into the modern design of digital systems fundamentals from an eminently practical point of view. Unlike other more "classic" digital circuits courses, our interest focuses more on the system than on the electronics that support it. This approach will allow us to [...]

Electrónica Digital Bit a Bit: Diseñando circuitos complejos (Coursera)

Los circuitos digitales más complejos como memorias y procesadores, que contienen millones de transistores gracias a su reducido tamaño, pueden ser divididos en circuitos más simples ya conocidos para facilitar su diseño e implementación. Lo mismo podemos realizar utilizando Verilog para diseñar circuitos digitales complejos que realizan muchas funciones [...]