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Industrial Biotechnology (Coursera)

Fossil fuels have been the primary energy source for society since the Industrial Revolution. They provide the raw material for the manufacture of many everyday products that we take for granted, including pharmaceuticals, food and drink, materials, plastics and personal care. As the 21st century progresses we need [...]

Drug Discovery (Coursera)

The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Discovery course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented [...]

Drug Development (Coursera)

The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Development course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented [...]

Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations (Coursera)

This course in the Healthcare Marketplace specialization gives the learner an in-depth view of the intellectual property creation that is vital to creating breakthrough technologies. Included is an understanding of the strategy deployed for pricing drugs and new technologies as well as the market sizing exercise to identify [...]

Case studies in business analytics with ACCENTURE (Coursera)

This course is RESTRICTED TO LEARNERS ENROLLED IN Strategic Business Analytics SPECIALIZATION as a preparation to the capstone project. During the first two MOOCs, we focused on specific techniques for specific applications. Instead, with this third MOOC, we provide you with different examples to open your mind to different [...]

Epidemics (Coursera)

“If history is our guide, we can assume that the battle between the intellect and will of the human species and the extraordinary adaptability of microbes will be never-ending.” Despite all the remarkable technological breakthroughs that we have made over the past few decades, the threat from infectious [...]

Drug Commercialization (Coursera)

The University of California San Diego, Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Drug Commercialization course brings you lectures from both faculty and industry experts. With this course, recorded on campus at UCSD, we seek to share our access to top people in the field who bring an unprecedented [...]

Drug Discovery in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 (edX)

This curriculum includes research into fundamental knowledge of clinical diagnosis, prevention and treatment of COVID-19. The beginning of 2020 have witnessed the emergence of COVID-19 escalating to a world pandemic. This virus have claimed more than 100,000 death reported by WHO, 10 times more than the seasonal flu does. [...]

Innovate & Regulate: Drug Research, Costs, Clinical Trials & Approval (edX)

At some point in their life, essentially everyone needs to use medication for some type of disease treatment or cure. While medications offer great benefits, the cost of drugs, especially new drugs, and the lack of treatment for some diseases can raise questions about business activity behind the creation [...]

Advanced Knowledge and Skills of Originator and Biosimilar Biologics: For Health Care Providers (edX)

Developed by leading researchers and clinicians from across Canada, this course will enhance knowledge and skills for clinicians who are using or beginning to use a biosimilar or biologic medicine in their professional practice setting. This course aims to provide advanced knowledge and skills for health care professionals on [...]