Development of Secure Embedded Systems Specialization

Three people died after the crash landing of an Asiana Airlines aircraft from Seoul, Korea, at San Fransisco International Airport (SFO) on July 6, 2013. The American National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) established that the crash most probably was caused by the flight crew's (in)actions. Three teenage girls lost their lives; two in the airplane and another was accidentally run over by a firetruck.
The human factor is often cause for accidents. NTSB and others report that more than 50 percent of plane crashes is caused by pilot error (and for road accidents it is even 90 perc.) Correctly designed safety and security critical systems can prevent these errors.
After following this course successfully, you are able to develop secure embedded systems that are at the core of these safety and security critical systems. You are even challenged to program your own landing guiding system in our capstone project.
If you are interested in building secure embedded systems for the benefit of humanity, this specialization is for you!
EIT Digital has chosen 3 MOOC topics of industrial interest, namely: 1) Embedded design and hardware, 2) Security in embedded connectivity and 3) Real-Time systems. These MOOCs show what it takes to program Internet-of-Things systems. We focus on tools used in the modern IoT industry, and we push for a practical learn-by-programming approach in which you are exposed to the actual development in an early stage.
We hope to see you soon!

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Embedded Hardware and Operating Systems (Coursera)

This course is intended for the Bachelor and Master's students, who like practical programming and making IoTs applications! In this course we will talk about two components of a cyber physical system, namely hardware and operating systems. After completing this course, you will have the knowledge of both hardware [...]

Development of Real-Time Systems (Coursera)

This course is intended for the Master's student and computer engineer who likes practical programming and problem solving! After completing this course, you will have the knowledge to plan and set-up a real-time system both on paper and in practice. The course centers around the problem of achieving timing [...]

Web Connectivity and Security in Embedded Systems (Coursera)

In this course, we will explore several technologies that bring modern devices together, facilitating a network of connected things and making devices internet enabled. We will discuss rules, protocols, and standards for these devices to communicate with each other in the network. We will also go through security and [...]

Capstone: Autonomous Runway Detection for IoT (Coursera)

The students will develop a larger system using the learning outcomes from these courses, and the students will evaluate the developed system in a real-world programming environment. This course is a true engineering task in which the student must, not only implement the algorithm code, but also handle the [...]