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Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Determinants, & Eigenvectors (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Linear Algebra: Matrix Algebra, Determinants, & Eigenvectors (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This course is the second course in the Linear Algebra Specialization. In this course, we continue to develop the techniques and theory to study matrices as special linear transformations (functions) on vectors. In particular, we develop techniques to manipulate matrices algebraically. This will allow us to better analyze and [...]

Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science (Coursera)

Jun 3rd 2024
Linear Algebra for Machine Learning and Data Science (Coursera)
Course Auditing
After completing this course, learners will be able to: represent data as vectors and matrices and identify their properties using concepts of singularity, rank, and linear independence, etc.; apply common vector and matrix algebra operations like dot product, inverse, and determinants; express certain types of matrix operations as linear [...]

Linear Algebra III: Determinants and Eigenvalues (edX)

This course takes you through roughly three weeks of MATH 1554, Linear Algebra, as taught in the School of Mathematics at The Georgia Institute of Technology. At the beginning of this course we introduce the determinant, which yields two important concepts that you will use in this course.

Algèbre linéaire de première année d’enseignement supérieur (FUN)

No sessions available
Algèbre linéaire de première année d’enseignement supérieur (FUN)
Free Course
L'algèbre linéaire est utilisée dans de nombreux enseignements, outils et méthodes des ingénieurs. Les fondamentaux de cette matière sont souvent traités en 1ère année d'enseignement supérieur français mais sont souvent mal compris par les étudiants. En particulier cette année 2020 où la fin s'est déroulée à distance. Cette formation [...]