Agile Team

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Introducción a la gestión ágil de proyectos (Coursera)

El agilismo está revolucionando la manera de trabajar en las organizaciones desde los comienzos del nuevo milenio. Los avances tecnológicos, los cambios continuos en las demandas del mercado, la competencia global y los ajustes en las regulaciones ponen a prueba las fortalezas de la organización constantemente. Por todo esto, [...]

Developing an Agile Team (Coursera)

Now that you have undergone personal information, you will be better prepared to empathize, understand, and mentor individual members of your team on a similar journey. Leading teams towards change-resilience is not as simple as knowing and understanding the psychology of individuals multiplied by a number of team members. [...]

Agile Leadership: Introduction to Change (Coursera)

This is a foundational course in the Agile Leadership Specialization. By the end of this course, you will build an understanding of key agile leadership concepts. You will begin building a toolbox that will give you an ability to evaluate and create a baseline for yourself as an agile [...]

Certified Scrum Master: Scaling Agile and the Team-of-Teams (Coursera)

May 13th 2024
Certified Scrum Master: Scaling Agile and the Team-of-Teams (Coursera)
Course Auditing
Prior to starting this course, we recommend that you complete the first two courses in this specialization: Introduction to Scrum Master Training and Scrum Methodology.

Agile with Atlassian Jira (Coursera)

Agile teams use “just enough” planning and an incremental approach to accomplishing the work of the team. Every project and every team uses a custom agile methodology. This course discusses common foundational principles and practices used by agile methodologies, providing the student a flexible set of tools to use [...]

Managing an Agile Team (Coursera)

While agile has become the de facto standard for managing digital innovation teams, many wonder if they’re doing it ‘right’. Twitter is full of jokes about how teams say they do agile but don’t ‘really’ do it. The reality is that getting the most out of agile is less [...]

Agile Project Management (Coursera)

May 11th 2024
Agile Project Management (Coursera)
Course Auditing
This is the fifth course in the Google Project Management Certificate program. This course will explore the history, approach, and philosophy of Agile project management, including the Scrum framework. You will learn how to differentiate and blend Agile and other project management approaches. As you progress through the course, [...]

Build an Agile Team (edX)

Gain knowledge and awareness of Agile methodologies and explore how to take your team from a current state to an Agile state. Explore Agile practices with the University of Adelaide. Agile methodology is a mindset that enables managers and teams to continuously learn and improve what they do and [...]

Mastering Agile Software Development and Deployment (edX)

Mastering Agile Software Development Operations & Performance: Teamwork, Design Patterns, Legacy Code, Dev/Ops. Part Three of the Professional Certificate Program in Agile Software Development. This course presents ideas and techniques for designing, developing, and modifying large software systems using Agile techniques and the same best-of-breed tools used by professionals, [...]

Successful Agile for Digital Teams (FutureLearn)

Nov 1st 2021
Successful Agile for Digital Teams (FutureLearn)
Course Auditing
Discover the purpose, principles and benefits of Agile and understand how it really works in practice. Get the know-how on Agile, one of the vital skills of the digital world. This course provides a unique look at the Agile approach to software development. It explains how the iterative way [...]